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Other Services

The Other Services and Necessities of  Darul Uloom Ahmadia Barkatia

In this Jamia local and outsider students are getting education. The arrangement of boarding, their lodging and books are made by Darul Uloom. This is why the kitchen and library have been constructed, but these arrangements are in first stage which is not enough to fulfill the necessities of the institute.

In the same way if any student becomes ill, the Institute bears his all expenses of medicine and treatment. For it some local doctors are in contact, who are called in emergency or the student oneself is sent for treatment.

One important department of Jamia is also “Shobye Dawat o Tabligh” (Preaching and imparting department). The teachers visit for it in local villages and they impart people Islamic teachings and try to connect people with Darul Uloom.

Publishing booklet and pamphlet, based on religion, moral and Islamic knowledge, are also our future plan. By Grace of Allah under the guidance of this department the first book named “Aadab-e-Zindagi” written by Maulana Akhtrul Quadri has been published-.