Azizi Publication
(In the memory of Hafiz-e-Millat Allama Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis Muradabadi Birth: 1313 H/1894 A.D---Death: 1396 H/1976 A.D)
The importance of pen is accepted in every era. The management of Jamia has decided to establish a department with the name of “Azizi Publication” for publishing the books and booklets.
The aim of it is publishing the poster regarding Holly Ramzan, Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-e-Qurban, Day of Aashurah, Rabi-un-Noor, Rabi-ul-Ghaus, The Night of Quadr and Barat showing the importance in Islam, and to distribute in nearby areas, and to publish educational, religious and profitable books and pamphlets and also the annual calendar.