نحمدہ و نصلی علی رسولہ الکریم
Behamdillah today on 7th Rabiul Sani 1436 H/ 28th January 2015 respected Maulana Akhtrul Quadri came to our Jamia Tadrees-ul-Islam Basdeelah. I felt very happy to see a booklet, which Maulana has written consisting of his proposed plans in the modern era for developing Islamic Education because our Prophetﷺ has said, ’’العلم حیاۃ الإسلام و عماد الدین‘‘ .
Education is the life of Islam and the pillar of Deen. And also said, “من صار بالعلم حیا لم یمت أبدا” one who will alive with Islamic education, will never die.
I pray that Allah the Almighty May succeed respected Maulana Akhtrul Quadri in both the worlds also all the members, assistants and attached persons of Jamia and complete all the plans of Jamia.
آمین بجاہ سیدالمرسلینﷺ